Tencent Digital (Wang Yang) Following the advent of the Meizu MX6, the Meizu has quickly updated the charm blue product line, but this time it is launched a new series of models - Charm Blue E.
Two years ago, Meizu, who was at the forefront of the storm, decided to marry Ali and released the first Meizu MX4 equipped with the Yunos system. In the following two years, the larger series of Charm Blue products gradually took over the heavy responsibility of carrying the Yunos system.
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It can be said that Meizu has always tried to open the road to the choice of the system. Meizu mobile phones have been equipped with a variety of operating systems including Win CE, Android, Yunos and even Ubuntu. The multi-system coexistence helped Meizu get rid of Google's control, but also won the cooperation opportunity with Ali for them, and Ali relied on Meizu to bring more entrances for its own services.
This time, the Meizu did not choose to let the charm blue to carry on the routine promotion again, but directly took a new name charm blue E, the answer is obvious, the Meizu wants to promote the bargaining power of the evil blue mobile phone. Charm Blue E lacks the cheap sense of plastic materials, integrated metal body has greatly enhanced the texture of the entire phone. According to Meizu, the Charm Blue E is born for young users, and the final price of 1299 yuan is to make up for the gap of 1,500 yuan.
One-piece metal body, five colors optional
The biggest change in Charm Blue E is in the design of the back. Although Charm Blue has some so-called metal mobile phones, such as Charm Blue Metal and other representative models, due to cost issues, this material is more like plating on plastic backshells. A layer of metallic paint.
Charm Blue E metal material is obviously a lot of thick, using a one-piece aluminum alloy material, while using nano-injection antenna and CNC processing, increased body strength and texture.
The front of the fuselage is equipped with a 5.5-inch 1080P resolution IPS screen, PPI is 403, Charm Blue E at the system level similar to the iOS 9's yellow screen eye mode, but also supports the timing of the opening and eye protection intensity selection. There is also a detail, Meizu at the press conference said that the charm blue E uses a 2.5D curved glass, and the thickness of this piece of glass is only 0.8 mm thick, sliding screen feel good.
The bottom of the screen is still the mTouch button that we are familiar with. The recognition speed and accuracy of the fingerprint are relatively ideal, and now it supports not only the daily unlocking but also the fingerprint payment of WeChat and Alipay.
Other details of the design, the charm of blue E or continuation of the charm blue family design style, SIM card slot supports dual Nano-SIM card access (card slot 2 is Nano + TF card mixed insert), the power button and the volume keys on the same The right side of the fuselage, the bottom is the headphone jack and data line interface. However, unfortunately, Charm Blue E did not choose to use the USB Type-C interface, but instead used Micro-USB.
From the level of craftsmanship, Charm Blue E really improved a big step than before, it is considered an out-and-out all-metal mobile phone. But then again, Charm Blue E is not a model that will make your eyes shine. After all, the three-part, nano-injection design of the old-fashioned back is very reminiscent of the HTC One 4 years ago.
Helio P10 positioning entry level
Appearance process is the strength of the charm blue E, but the hardware configuration is a veritable weakness. The Charm Blue E chose to carry the 28nm process 64-bit 8-core Helio P10 processor, supplemented by 3GB LPDDR3 memory and 32GB storage space. This processor is a big.LITTLE Cortex-A53 architecture, the highest frequency 1.8GHz, GPU is Mali-T860 MP2.
Ann Bunny performance test link, the final score of Charm Blue E is 46949 points, higher than the previously released Charm Blue Note 3 but lower than the MX5 launched last year. In the game test, the Helio P10 can basically run the mainstream large-scale stand-alone game "Wild Bug 8," but it will have a drop-frame phenomenon in such complicated scenes as drift and racing collision.
The reason why such a chip was chosen is that Meizu is also considering the balance of power consumption. In addition, this chip can support Netcom 4G+ well, and the applicable frequency is 6 modes and 18 frequencies, which is consistent with Charm Blue Note 3. However, the overall hardware specifications compared to the same level of competitors such as Red Mi Pro Helio X20/X25, Charm Blue E still can not escape the fate of the latter half of the body, but fortunately the price is also cheaper.
Charm Blue E built-in 3100mAh capacity battery, support 9V/2A power fast charge. From 0% to 100%, our measured full charge takes one and a half hours. In the actual battery life test session, Charm Blue E consumes 29% of the power after running one hour of large-scale games. At this time, there will be a significant increase in temperature around the body camera. If you only use the Internet, scan the WeChat meager, and take pictures occasionally, the Charm Blue E is able to stick to the day.
Yunos Edition Flyme 5 Support Remote Control Car
According to Meizu's ideas, the three models released this year are based on the Android custom Flyme system, but this time, Meizu will this charm blue E once again "dedicated" to Ali.
Charm Blue E is powered by the Flyme 5 system, which is based on the deep customization of Yunos 5.1. Many people may have doubts. What is the difference between the Yunos version of the Meizu phone? In fact, according to Yang Yan's previous interview with the media, they said that the two are only slightly different on the ground floor, but since they are all developed based on Flyme, the interface effects and operating experience are completely different.
Of course, since it is the Yunos system, we also see some Ali system applications in this Charm Blue E phone. Such as the search information application "Ali this moment", compared to the initial polymerization of the less mature CloudCard, the current application of Ali is more like a news client-like APP, you can not only add commonly used website subscription Messages can also add various additional value-added services.
At the press conference, Li Mei, vice president of Meizu Technology, also mentioned more features on the Blue E system level. He said that through this phone, he can control the Internet car Roewe RX5 and let Charm E become a "car key." Through the mobile phone, authorized car owners can open the car's trunk, set air conditioners remotely, start navigation services, etc. However, at present, we have not yet seen the corresponding automotive management applications on this engineering machine.
In short, Charm Blue E should be regarded as part of Connect to Meizu ecology, but the only model supporting Yunos for Car at this stage is Charm Blue E. It is still unknown whether more models will be added in the future. Further, if analyzed from this perspective, Charm Blue E seems to be an "accessory" for Yunos for Car.
With 1300W lens, focus speed trailing leg
Compared to the previous release of the Meizu MX6 for the first time using IMX386 sensor, Charm Blue E still extended the use of Sony IMX258 rear lens sensor, has 1300W pixels and supports PDAF phase focus, with F/2.2 aperture, while using 5-piece lens group And two color temperature lights. As for the front lens, it is 500W pixels and supports beauty shooting.
We look at the shooting effect of Charm Blue E through several sets of real shot proofs.
In the outdoor session, the color reproduction of the Charm Blue E lens is basically accurate, and the proof itself has a certain level of detail and sharpness details, but there is a little overexposure in the sky. The indoor white balance is basically accurate, and macro photography can see more obvious background blur, but there is smearing in the blurred part. The night scene proofs have a good anti-glare capability, and the actual noise is more, and the overall amount of light entering is seriously lacking. As for the shooting experience, although the Charm Blue E supports phase focus, the focus speed still needs to be improved.
Charm blue series to the high-end advancement
"Make blue high-end machine products", if one summed up why the launch of evil blue E, this should be the answer Meizu wants to pass. At present, Meizu's product line is mainly divided into two categories, the charm blue series below thousand yuan, the MX series of 2K stalls and the PRO series of 2K+ stalls, and the gap between 1,000 yuan and 2,000 yuan is obviously the need of Charm Blue E. And follow-up products to fill. On the other hand, as a Yunos model customized for Ali, Charm Blue E also shoulders the responsibility of creating an entrance for Ali and building the Yunos for Car ecosystem.
Nowadays, the mobile phone market has entered the era of stock exchange, including thousands of machines. Users actually have higher demands for the selection of new thousand machines, such as paying more attention to design, focusing on hardware configuration and even system experience, etc. . Charm Blue E at 1299 yuan seems to be a cost-effective mobile phone for this part of the replacement users.
Charm Blue E is a revolution of the Charm Blue series. Discard the plastic material gene and lose the light and thin touch, but it has ushered in a new integrated metal process. But to tell the truth, we can't seem to find the tone of the Charm Blue phone. All the Meizu phones are too similar and there is no difference.
The changes of Charm Blue E are obvious to all, but it still can't escape the popular design. Just like the PRO 6 and MX6 that were released before, Meizu has not found the perfect solution to the difference in industrial design. However, the good thing is that each mobile phone Charm Blue will bring some surprises, Charm Blue E wins in the excellent craftsmanship, perhaps the next charm blue is more worth the wait.
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