DS2151, DS2153 connected ADSP-2181-DS21

Abstract: ApplicaTIon note 303 provides informaTIon on connecTIng the DS2151 and DS2153 single chip transceivers (SCTs) to a 16-bit DSP: the Analog Devices ADSP2181.

InterconnecTIons between the DS2151 or DS2153 parallel port and the Analog Devices ADSP-2181 non-multiplexed I / O port are shown in Figure 1. Refer to Application Note 326: Interfacing to a Nonmultiplexed Bus for further information.

Figure 1. Transceiver-ADSP2181 Interconnections.
Figure 1. Transceiver-ADSP2181 Interconnections.

Fork Type Connecting Terminals

Fork Type Connecting Terminals,Terminals,Connecting Terminals

Taixing Longyi Terminals Co.,Ltd. , https://www.longyicopperlugs.com