Application of PSMS system in energy saving and consumption reduction in computer room

The composition and significance of PSMS system

The basic components of the PSMS system include the end office collection equipment, transmission network and central management equipment, as shown in Figure 1. Generally, in a local network, the monitoring system is divided into three levels according to the monitoring center (SC), monitoring station (SS), and end office (SU). The two levels of the monitoring center and monitoring station are the management layers, and the SU is Data collection layer. The main monitoring objects of the PSMS system include: high and low voltage distribution systems, diesel generator sets; UPS, switching power supplies, battery packs; air conditioning and machine room environment (temperature, humidity, smoke, water immersion, etc.).

According to a statistical report from the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to the US Congress, the energy consumption of communications / IT equipment, cooling and communications power supplies, and cooling and other supporting equipment are roughly: 50%, 40%, and 10%. Due to the dynamic characteristics of the energy consumption of the communication station, the energy consumption of the station is usually a variable, but the power equipment and air conditioning equipment change relatively little. Scientific and reasonable use of the PSMS system can dynamically control the amount of energy consumption changes, and can dynamically adjust the monitoring and energy-saving operation scheme according to the specific situation.

Application of energy saving and consumption reduction in PSMS system

With the help of PSMS system, Hefei Unicom realizes the application of comprehensive monitoring management, switching power supply monitoring management, etc., so as to achieve energy saving in the computer room.

Comprehensive monitoring and management to achieve energy-saving air-conditioning in the computer room. According to statistics from the National Bureau of Standards, if the air-conditioning setpoint temperature is lowered by 1 ° C in summer, it will increase energy consumption by 9%, and if the setpoint temperature is raised by 1 ° C in winter, it will increase energy consumption by 12%. Hefei Unicom uses the monitoring system to analyze the operating parameters of the air conditioner, and can control the indoor temperature and humidity within the set value accuracy range, which is an effective measure for air conditioning energy saving. The air conditioner in the equipment room cannot dynamically and accurately reflect the ambient temperature and humidity in each area of ​​the equipment room, resulting in an unbalanced environment temperature and a large temperature difference in the equipment room, which is detrimental to the safety of the main equipment environment. The temperature field in the computer room is roughly distributed), to help the monitoring system to coordinate the management of all air conditioners, and to solve the problem of excessive temperature in the computer room.

Using the monitoring system, you can also analyze the performance of each air conditioner, grasp the environmental changes, adjust the operating parameters of the air conditioner in time, effectively control the number of compressor starts and the length of operation, reduce air conditioning energy consumption, and extend the service life of the equipment. According to the survey, the operating power consumption of the dedicated air conditioners in the computer room accounts for more than 50% of the total power consumption in the computer room. For a computer room with multiple air conditioners dedicated to the computer room, the monitoring system can shut down the excess air conditioners according to the temperature status in a timely manner through calculation procedures. If the equipment room has an outdoor natural cold source energy-saving system, when the outdoor temperature is lower than the indoor temperature and reaches the set value and the humidity meets the requirements, the monitoring system controls the operation of the fresh air (natural ventilation fresh air or heat exchange fresh air) system to achieve the purpose of saving electricity.

Switching power supply monitoring management achieves energy saving. By investigating the load ratio and use frequency of switching power supply equipment, Hefei Unicom adjusts the equipment with excessive capacity and redundancy to improve the utilization rate and save energy consumption, and then expands the function of the power monitoring system to realize the switching power supply automatically changes according to the load rate. Good power-saving promotion value.

At present, most communication power supplies are running at 20% to 30% load due to battery charging and N + 1 redundancy. The monitoring system plays an active role in energy saving in this regard. The monitoring system also has the functions of remote adjustment and remote control of the power supply equipment. The parameters of the switching power supply equipment can be modified remotely according to the actual situation. The remote control function of the monitoring system is used to control the switching of the rectifier in terms of energy saving and efficiency enhancement.

In addition, the use of the monitoring system can also save energy for the charge and discharge management of the battery pack peaks and troughs. Instruct all modules to sleep when the peak of the electricity is used, forcing the battery to discharge, and then restart the rectifier module when the valley is in the valley, use the mains power supply and charge the battery pack, which can save the electricity cost of the mains, avoid the power cut by the brake, and also help to extend the service life of the battery pack .

Other energy saving and emission reduction applications of the monitoring system. Hefei Unicom uses the power monitoring system to grasp the power generators required by the power outage station, and then dispatches the oil engines to generate power reasonably, avoids moving the oil locomotives back and forth, reduces the number of oil rush repairs, and improves the efficiency of the use of oil locomotives. In addition, the four remote functions of the monitoring system can help operators complete the annual check discharge maintenance of the battery, avoid the waste of energy by discharging with dummy load, and also reduce the extra expenditure of manpower and material resources.

System analysis, management and assessment

After obtaining various data through monitoring, Hefei Unicom scientifically analyzes, sorts and sorts the data to form corresponding management reports, and at the same time formulates a targeted management system to achieve energy conservation and consumption reduction.

Specifically, Hefei Unicom obtains the actual situation of energy consumption changes of each station every day, week, month, and quarter through the monitoring system, and compares and analyzes with various factors to provide the necessary data basis for energy-saving diagnosis; The station establishes a radio account (which should include the meter index, electricity unit price, equipment room power, etc.), electricity bill payment ledger, and reserve fund usage ledger; establish a longitudinal and horizontal comparative analysis mechanism for energy management. Through field research and testing, the monthly power consumption standards for different station types and different equipment in different seasons were determined. Hefei Unicom established the Top10 ranking of power consumption of local stations, and conducted a horizontal and vertical comparative analysis mechanism of monthly power consumption of different station types to achieve local Quantitative analysis and evaluation of station electricity bills to generate energy-saving assessment reports; establishment of energy consumption assessment and management team, which is responsible for spot-checking station accounts, electricity usage reports, and analysis reports, assessing the effectiveness of electricity management, and publishing electricity management Notification.

Low Voltage SWA Armored Cable

Low Voltage SWA Armored Cable, also known as Steel Wire Armored Cable, is a type of electrical cable that is used for the transmission of low voltage electrical power. It is commonly used in applications where the cable needs to be protected from mechanical damage, such as underground installations or in areas with high levels of physical stress.

The SWA Armored Cable consists of multiple conductors, usually made of copper or aluminum, which are insulated and then wrapped in a layer of steel wire armor. The steel wire armor provides protection against external forces, such as impact or crushing, and also acts as a grounding conductor.

The cable is typically designed for voltages up to 1000 volts and is available in various sizes and configurations to suit different applications. It is commonly used in industrial, commercial, and residential settings for power distribution, lighting, and control systems.

Some of the key features and benefits of Low Voltage SWA Armored Cable include:

  • Mechanical Protection: The steel wire armor provides excellent protection against physical damage, making it suitable for installations in harsh environments or areas with high levels of mechanical stress.
  • Electrical Protection: The armor also acts as a grounding conductor, providing protection against electrical faults and ensuring safe operation.
  • Durability: The cable is designed to withstand extreme temperatures, moisture, and UV exposure, making it suitable for both indoor and outdoor installations.
  • Easy Installation: The armored construction of the cable makes it easy to handle and install, reducing installation time and costs.
  • Versatility: The cable is available in various sizes and configurations, allowing for flexibility in design and installation.

Overall, Low Voltage SWA Armored Cable is a reliable and durable solution for low voltage power transmission, offering excellent mechanical and electrical protection. It is widely used in a range of applications and environments, providing a safe and efficient electrical system.

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Ruitian Cable CO.,LTD. ,