The LA1054 is a monolithic, bipolar switched-capacitor voltage converter and regulator that has a larger output current than the original converter, but with much lower voltage losses. The adaptive switch drive design optimizes the efficiency of the device over a wide range of output currents. When the output current is 100mA in the range of 3.5~15V, the typical voltage drop is 1.1V, typical for static values. It is 2.5mA, which has the adjustment function that the original switched capacitor does not have. The regulated output voltage is obtained by an external resistor divider, which is adjusted based on both the input voltage and the output current.
RAM/RFM Middle Frequency Water Cooled Capacitors
RAM/RFM Middle frequency water cooled capacitors
Water Cooled Capacitors,Medium Frequency Capacitor,Intermediate Frequency Capacitors