LED table lamp that can be eaten

The color of this desk lamp looks very beautiful - it is made from vegetable glycerin and agar, which means that this material can be biodegraded. If you don't want it, you can choose to eat it or discard it, no problem, it will never pollute the environment.
The LED bulb of the lamp is glued to the frame of the desk lamp and can be directly powered by the socket or the computer USB interface. But to eat it, you must first remove its electrical components, then wash the lamp, then soak it in pure water, it will be soft enough to swallow in about an hour.
Designed by a designer in New York called Victor Vetterlein, he said that after soaking in water for an hour, the taste is the same as that of soft candy. In the future, it will even offer four flavors: orange, cherry, blueberry and apple. It is rich in nutrients.
This desk lamp will not stay in the concept product stage as it will be available soon.

Piezoelectric Material

Yuhai piezo materials include : hard piezo material, soft piezo material and lead free piezo material

Soft piezo material exhibits: larger piezoelectric constants, higher permittivity, larger dielectric constants, higher dielectric losses, larger electromechanical coupling factors, low mechanical quality factors, a lower coercive field, poor linearity, and is easier to depolarize. The ideal application of soft piezo materials is sensing needs. Yuhai soft pizeo materials are PZT-5, PZT-5H, PSnN-5 and PLiS-51.

Hard piezo material exhibits: smaller piezoelectric constants, lower permittivity, smaller dielectric constants, lower dielectric losses, smaller electromechanical coupling factors, high mechanical quality factors, a higher coercive field, better linearity, and is harder to depolarize. The ideal application of hard piezo materials is high power transducer needs. Yuhai hard pizeo materials are PZT-4, PZT-8, PCrN-4 and PBaS-4.

Yuhai company developped lead free piezo material BaTiO3 and apply for the Chinese Patent in 2011, to meet the needs of environmental protection in today's society.

Piezoelectric ceramic material

Properties and Classification

General description of material properties

Material Code



Soft PZT ceramic


Characteristics: larger piezoelectric constants, higher permittivity, larger dielectric constants, higher dielectric losses, larger electromechanical coupling factors, low mechanical quality factors, a lower coercive field, poor linearity, and is easier to depolarize.

low-power ultrasonic transducers


low-frequency sound transducers


applications with high g coefficient, for example,


microphones,vibration pickups with preamplifier


low-frequency vibration measurements


Hydrophones, transducers in medical diagnostics



Hard PZT ceramic


Characteristics: smaller piezoelectric constants, lower permittivity, smaller dielectric constants, lower dielectric losses, smaller electromechanical coupling factors, high mechanical quality factors, a higher coercive field, better linearity, and is harder to depolarize.


High-power acoustic applications


Hydroacoustics, sonar technology





Lead free piezo ceramic


Characteristics: Low density, low curie temperature, lead free.

Ultrasonic transducers suitable for low-temperature underwater, for example ultrasonic transducer in fishfinder

Piezoelectric Material,Piezo Ceramic Element,Piezo Electric Cylinder ,Piezo Sphere

Zibo Yuhai Electronic Ceramic Co., Ltd. , https://www.yhpiezo.com