Design scheme of electrocardiograph based on mobile phone communication

Abstract: This paper mainly introduces a design method of ECG service system based on ECG sampling module and smart phone. First, the basic framework of the system is given, and then the design scheme of the ECG machine with Bluetooth interface and the software design method of the mobile terminal are highlighted. Platform programming implements the functions of Bluetooth communication, ECG data storage, and ECG data transmission to the server, and analyzes the key codes in the implementation process. Finally, the test results of the ECG machine operation are given. The test results show that the electrocardiograph designed in this paper can be used for remote medical monitoring.

In recent years, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases have become one of the major diseases that endanger human health. ECG signals are the basis for pathological diagnosis. Existing ECG monitoring systems mainly include two types: (1) Holter system to record patient's ECG data; (2) ECG monitoring system in the ward. The former is easy to carry, but cannot be diagnosed in real time; the latter can be used for diagnosis, but only in hospitals.

As people's pace of life accelerates, there is a need for a portable ECG monitoring system that is easy to carry and can be diagnosed by doctors in real time. For example, literature [2, 3] introduced a smart phone-based ECG real-time monitoring system. The system consists of a measurement node, a smart phone node and a monitoring center terminal. The smart phone node receives real-time data from the ECG acquisition node via Bluetooth The ECG data and the monitoring situation are transmitted to the monitoring center through the GPRS network, but no design method of the ECG node with Bluetooth function is given. Literature [4] proposed a multi-function ECG signal measurement method based on ZigBee, which can be used to connect a computer system to achieve long-term patient monitoring. In [5], a portable 12-lead ECG signal monitoring system based on Linux is proposed. It has an interactive LCD touch function and can be used for an Internet remote diagnosis system.

This paper designs a portable ECG monitoring system with Bluetooth communication interface based on AIKD812-256 ECG sampling module and smart phone. The ECG monitoring system transmits the ECG data collected by the ECG machine to the mobile phone through the Bluetooth interface. The mobile phone can store the ECG data in real time, and can transmit the ECG data to the server of the medical center through the GPRS / 3G network as needed for professionals diagnosis. The article is arranged as follows: Part 1 gives the design scheme of the ECG machine with Bluetooth interface; Part 2 is the design method of mobile phone software, including Bluetooth communication, ECG data storage, ECG data sent to the server, and its implementation process Key code analysis; Part 3 is the test situation and summary.

1 ECG design plan

1.1 System Introduction

Electrocardiography is a more esoteric subject. Under normal circumstances, doctors and cardiovascular patients in primary medical institutions cannot be experts in electrocardiography. The system proposed in this paper uses medical institutions with high-quality resources as the service center, and interconnects with multiple ECG terminals located in towns or villages and key monitoring patients through the Internet network to solve the problem of "difficult to see a doctor" to a certain extent. This system is mainly composed of the following four parts: electrocardiograph, mobile phone with special software installed, expert diagnosis terminal, and a medical center server. The block diagram of the system structure is shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1 block diagram of the system structure.

Figure 1 block diagram of the system structure.

Among them, the electrocardiogram machine corresponds to the mobile phone one by one, and the number m is the number of users who need ECG monitoring in the system; the number n of expert diagnosis terminals is the number of computers in the system where experts perform diagnostic operations for users.

In this system, the electrocardiogram machine collects the electrocardiogram data of the human body, and transmits the measured electrocardiogram data to the mobile phone via Bluetooth, and displays it on the mobile phone screen in real time. According to user settings, the electrocardiogram data can be stored in the mobile phone or through GPRS / 3G network transmission to the medical center server.

The professional can diagnose the uploaded ECG data on the expert diagnosis terminal, and notify the corresponding user of the completion of the diagnosis by email or SMS, so that the user can extract the diagnosis result through the mobile phone software.

Limited to the length of the article, this article focuses on the design method of the system center electrocardiograph and mobile phone software.

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