The billion-dollar LED enterprise Haobo Optoelectronics has closed down some enterprises or may not escape the fate of the market

On November 4th, the reporter was informed that the main LED display Shenzhen Haobo Optoelectronics Co., Ltd. was closed due to the arrears of huge suppliers and employee wages and commissions. This is another 100 million-level LED enterprise that was shut down after Shenzhen Duoling, Bolunte Optoelectronics, and this year's vision photoelectric.

Yesterday, the reporter tweeted to contact a salesman who had just left Haobo Optoelectronics. According to its introduction, Haobo Optoelectronics has arrears of supply of between 20 million yuan and 30 million yuan, while arrears of staff wages and business commissions of about 2.5 million yuan. Recently, Haobo employees have gathered to the chairman Zhao Hui for salary, but so far the sales and commissions of Haobo salesmen have not been issued, and Zhao Hui’s mobile phone is also shut down. Yesterday, Yan Yingnan confirmed to the Yangcheng Evening News reporter that the company has stopped working because the company is unable to pay the above amount. Yan Yingnan said: "It can be said that it has closed down."

Haobo Optoelectronics is mainly engaged in LED display, and also operates LED lighting business. Last year, the turnover was around 200 million, and the sales target set this year was 500 million. Moreover, in the first half of the year, it was just rated as “Shenzhen Famous Brand”.

Yan Yingnan said: "Haobo collapsed not because of poor sales, but because of internal management confusion and decision-making mistakes." According to its introduction, even in this year's market environment, Haobo's sales are still good. However, due to the confusion of financial management, the phenomenon of arrears to suppliers is serious. On the other hand, Haobo has turned 10 million yuan to LED lighting this year, but basically “sparse the sea” and “a project has not been obtained”. At the same time, Haobo also wasted a lot of money on other projects and did not receive the expected results. Eventually, due to the break of the capital chain, it is difficult for employees to pay wages.

At the time of the collapse of the company last year, Longbo, the general manager of Haobo Optoelectronics, was interviewed by the reporter that the company's overall revenue is still rising and optimistic about the future. Unexpectedly, just one year later, the fate of the collapse will come to the top of Haobo. On November 4th, Zhang Xiaofei, director of the High-tech LED Industry Research Institute, said in an interview that the LED industry has overcapacity in the upstream industry. Chip makers are not willing to lengthen their bills for shipment, and the LED display industry itself is extremely competitive with low gross profit margin. In addition, the blind investment of Haobo eventually led to the break of its capital chain. He believes that relative to LED lighting, the more mature LED display industry will be the first to open the wave of shuffling.

Some listed companies are struggling on the edge of losses
The once enthusiastic LED industry is showing its weak body in the cold winter of the market. Last week, the third quarterly report of the listed companies in the industry was released. According to statistics, from January to September, nearly 70% of LED companies' net profit declined, and some of them are struggling on the edge of losses.

Among the 20 listed companies under the Shenyin Wanguo LED industry, 13 companies' net profit declined to varying degrees, accounting for 65% of 20 companies. Among them, 7 companies such as Weiwei and Huacan Optoelectronics saw both revenue and net profit decline.

Among the 13 companies whose net profit fell, the net profit of Weiwei shares decreased by 92% year-on-year, the net profit of Silan decreased by 88%, the net profit of Dehao Runda decreased by 57%, and the net profit fell by the top three. It is particularly noteworthy that the net profit of Weiwei, which was only listed in May this year, has fallen by 94% year-on-year. It is known as the company with the fastest face change in the stock market. After three months, Weiwei shares continue to be on the verge of loss. It shows that its revenue in the third quarter was 71 million yuan, but its net profit was less than 70,000 yuan, which was close to the loss.

Some enterprises may not escape the fate of the market
In fact, many industry insiders believe that it is not surprising that LED listed companies surrendered the above-mentioned answer sheets in the first three quarters. Xu Zhensen, chairman of Dongguan Yinghui Lighting, said: "From last year to this year, the industry is in the midst of a cold winter, and 50% of the enterprises in the industry are facing a big test of life and death." It is reported that since the second half of last year, LED industry exports have begun to decline sharply; In the domestic market, it is difficult to open on a large scale in the short term; coupled with the large amount of bubbles caused by excessive investment in the industry in the past few years, the industry has begun to experience a large number of losses and bankruptcies at a time when the market environment has changed drastically.

A LED company in Shenzhen believes that: "Many listed companies in the LED industry are eager to go public, but in fact the scale is not large, whether it is product technology, internal management or market development capabilities are limited, it is normal to have a performance change face." Zhang Xiaofei, director of the Industrial Research Institute, believes that the performance of the industry today may pour a cold water on some companies that are eager to go public. He predicted: "In the next few years, it is not surprising that LED listed companies wear ST hats (referring to losses), and some companies may even retire from the market."

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