U.S. Increased Hacker Attacks on China

U.S. Increased Hacker Attacks on China Just last week when the U.S. Congress accused China's telecommunications manufacturers of the possibility of monitoring U.S. companies, Chinese companies also suffered unprecedented hacker attacks, including attacks from U.S. computer systems.

Now China has joined a chorus that complains that the Internet is no longer safe.

Whether it is the so-called Huawei monitoring of US telecommunications companies or Chinese hackers stealing secrets in Washington, the same applies to China. The number of foreigners who illegally invade or monitor China’s confidential system has continued to increase.

According to the website of China National Computer Network Emergency Technology Processing Coordination Center, about 7.8 million Chinese computers were attacked from 27,900 foreign IP addresses. This is just the number from January to June.

The source of these attacks? Most of them in the United States account for more than 24%. Japan followed, accounting for 17.2%. Next is South Korea, which accounts for 11.4%.

Zhou Yonglin of the center said in an article just published: “The situation that the online attack on our country comes from abroad is becoming more and more serious.” So far, the number of computers affected has almost reached the full scale of 2011. Year figures.

Zhou Yonglin said that the hackers used Trojans to attack the system through overseas IP addresses and servers, creating a large number of infected botnets.

In April of this year, the global hackers Anonymous said they plan to destroy five Chinese company websites. Also in April, hackers from the Philippines broke through several Chinese websites and used political slogans to express their anger at Beijing in the Huangyan Island dispute.

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